PetAid Health

Your digital pet file

With PetAid Health, you keep track of all your beloved pet’s medical data and always have it at your fingertips.

The guardian angel for your pet

Your animal trusts in you.

We know you care about your pet. And so do we. We created PetAid Health so you can best protect your animal friend. With our app, you can record, review and share important information about your pet’s health.

Save medical records

Document state of health

Monitor vaccination status

Manage medication plan

Share information with vets and sitters

Receive reminders

Emergency – now what?

Anyone who has a pet knows that an emergency can happen in seconds and you often have to rush to the nearest vet or clinic quite suddenly.

Chip number? Last vaccination? Medication? Allergies? Preexisting conditions? In the rush of the moment, you will rarely have your pet’s complete file at hand.

Hier kommt PetAid Health ins Spiel. With your digital pet file you can manage all medical data of your beloved pet in a clear and structured way.

And in case of emergency, all important information is just a tap away.

Sign up today and thank us tomorrow.

PetAid Health makes pet care easier

Better safe than sorry

When an emergency occurs, it can be critical to act quickly. The emergency function in your digital pet file includes all important information about your pet, such as: Blood type, intolerances, allergies, previously administered and current medications and vaccinations, feeding and care plans, contact information. This will help you better diagnose and treat your beloved pet in emergencies.

Store and share general data and medical records

With PetAid Health, you can easily upload all of your pet’s medical documents securely and keep a complete record of vet visits, diagnoses, lab results, x-rays, prescriptions, and more.

Medication schedules & reminders

PetAid Health allows you to record and track your pet’s medication schedules in detail.

With our helpful reminders, you’ll never forget to administer a pill, your next vet visit or your online consultation.

Medication schedules & reminders

PetAid Health allows you to record and track your pet’s medication schedules in detail.

With our helpful reminders, you’ll never forget to administer a pill, your next vet visit or your online consultation.

Manage multiple pet and pet sitter profiles

PetAid Health is the only app you need for flawless health care for your pet. You can create and manage multiple fully functional pet profiles and share them with your family, vet or pet sitters.

More flexibility desired?

We tailor your individual offer.

This option is the ideal choice for:

  • Animal shelters
  • Breeders
  • Stables
  • Vets & Clinics
  • etc.

    Doing good is easy with PetAid

    Social and sustainable action has been a priority for PetAid from the beginning. That is why we have introduced donations for animal welfare, environmental protection and ocean conservation.

    5% of each subscription is donated.
    And the best part: you decide which of our partner organizations you want to support with your donation.

    Let’s do good together!

    Sign up now for free

    Your pet deserves a guardian angel.

    Secure encryption

    No data disclosure

    DSGVO compliant

    Made in Austria